When you use up a lot of magnesium. This happens if you are:
under stress
in menopause
or you smoke and drink
Providing the required doses of concentrated pure magnesium, MagComboK (Magnesium Complex) compensates the shortage of useful substances and quickly removes complaints.
Magnesium deficiency
MagComboK (Magnesium Complex) achieves the best bioavailability levels known so far. With its original oil form (LICAPS™ technology) and added vitamin C, it provides full absorption and maximum results.
The oil solution in LICAPS™ (MagComboK) has a 35% better bioavailability* of the substances compared to dry powder formulations (tablets, powdered capsules, etc.)
*N. Madit, D. Cade and H. Benameur, Comparative bioavailability of CoQ 10 formulations: LICAPS™ formulation versus current commercial formulations. Development Center, Research and Development. Capsugel, 10 rue Timken Colmar F68027 (2006)
Only one capsule daily, with a glass of water.
Only one capsule daily, with a glass of water.
It is suitable for the needs of an adult (over 18 years of age).
It is suitable for the needs of an adult (over 18 years of age).
The treatment course should be at least 3 months.
The treatment course should be at least 3 months.
No, it is available without prescription.
No, it is available without prescription.
With an expertly selected complex of pure magnesium with vitamin C, B6, B2 and B12, dissolved in an oil-based environment that guarantees their full absorption in the body, MagComboK (Magnesium Complex) improves health in many directions.
Magnesium is the most common mineral in the tissues of the human body. It has been proven that by compensating the lack of magnesium, MagComboK (Magnesium Complex) maintains normal muscle contractions and relaxes muscles. It helps cells and muscle fibers to restore.
All ingredients, precisely selected and dosed in MagComboK (Magnesium Complex), support the proper flow of nerve impulses in the body and regulate its reactivity to external factors (irritants). They make it easier for the brain to move from work mode to rest, providing a deep and quality sleep.
A medical fact is that magnesium is a "natural relaxant". By providing it in sufficient quantities, MagComboK (Magnesium Complex) has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, influencing the onset of anxiety, nervousness and irritability, unlocked by stress.
Thanks to its concentrated formula of beneficial substances that improve metabolism and energy production, MagComboK (Magnesium Complex) successfully combats the feeling of tiredness and fatigue. It enhances lifestyle and improves health.
In addition to all these effects, MagComboK (Magnesium Complex) affects joint mobility, skin condition, tooth and bone health, and normal blood pressure.
The Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the European Council on the protection of individuals with an emphasis on the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC entered into force on May 25, 2018.
In that regard, we would kindly like to inform you that VITASLIM INNOVE Ltd. with UIC 200125430 and address 18 Shipchenski Prohod Blvd, floor 8, office 802, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria, is registered as a personal data administrator № 407564 and applies all possible means to protect the personal data of its customers.
Below you will find information on how and why we use your personal data, what personal data we use, and what your rights are, referring to Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
Personal data is all data by means of which the client can be directly or indirectly identified. Examples of personal data are: three names, personal identification number (PIN), telephone number, current address, email address and the like.
VITASLIM INNOVE Ltd. uses your personal information in order to respond to inquiries, to process and execute received orders and activities related to them, such as issuing and processing invoices and customer relationship management.
By providing your personal data, you give us the opportunity to:
We use the following types of data:
Referring to Regulation (EU) 2016/679, you have the right to:
VITASLIM INNOVE Ltd. stores your personal data within the statutory terms. If you are of the opinion that your data is incorrectly or improperly processed, we kindly ask you to contact us at If you believe your request has not been completed within a reasonable time, you can contact the Commission for Personal Data Protection.
VITASLIM INNOVE Ltd. does not use data from third parties.
VITASLIM INNOVE Ltd. provides data to third parties solely on the basis of contractual agreements and a commitment for confidentiality on their part. Third parties that VITASLIM INNOVE Ltd. works with are courier companies, providers of accounting services, marketing, banking and hosting services providers.
You can contact us every weekday from 09:00 to 18:00 in the following ways:
Phone number: +359 (0) 2 944 26 27